Forum On Open Access to Government Records, Inc.

This Version of Frame 188 was published in a Life JFK Memorial Book on the 50th Anniversary

The Forum on Open Access to Government Records is publishing a comparison of the many versions of different Zapruder Frames that have been released over the years.

March 1, 2025: we just added an analysis of the shift in black tones around frames 131-134 during the “first splice.”

March 2, 2025: Black Patch Analysis using 6K scans of 317, 321, and 323.

Other updates: Damaged Frames 154, 157, 207, and 212. Early Frames 1 and 2.

We are trying to obtain copies of the Zapruder Frames in the National Archives, but the National Archives and the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas assert that there is a copyright that blocks FOIA requests. This is a strange policy since making copies of the Zapruder Frames for writing a book was held to be entitled to fair use in 1968. Why is there so much secrecy to photos that are 60 years old? Why does the Sixth Floor Museum claim there is a copyright when the court ruled that publishing Zapruder Frames was fair use in 1968?

Click Here to View and Compare Five Different Versions of Frame 188.

Read the announcement of the Forum’s study.